

Building Experiments

Gain the knowledge to design, segment, and measure impactful A/B tests. Understand the nuances of setting up control and variation groups on your e-commerce platform, paving the way for insightful experimentation.

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Building Experiments

Building Experiments





Conversion optimisation tool for A/B testing and website improvement.

Google Analytics


Google Analytics

Refine your strategies and increase conversions with valuable website performance insights from Google Analytics.




Optimise user experience and website design with heatmaps and insights from HotJar, boosting engagement for marketers.

Building Experiments


Lean Analytics

Lean Analytics

Building Experiments


Goal Tree

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Improve your website to boost the percentage of visitors taking desired actions.


A/B testing

Gauge the performance of two variants in your campaign to optimise user response.


This module will solve the following challenges

If you recognise these issues, keep reading and check out the full program.

Marketing & sales alignment


Marketing & sales alignment

A lack of alignment between marketing and sales efforts leads to missed opportunities and inefficiencies. Develop an integrated strategy to ensure both teams work towards common goals and maximise growth.

Low pipeline conversion


Low pipeline conversion

High acquisition costs and ineffective lead nurturing can result in low conversion rates from leads to customers. Focus on optimising each stage of the sales funnel to improve pipeline conversion.

B2B persona not targeted enough


B2B persona not targeted enough

Failing to segment your market accurately can result in wasted efforts and poor targeting. Use data-driven segmentation to tailor your approach to different customer groups.

Lack of sales script


Lack of sales script

Without a consistent sales script, messaging can be inconsistent, leading to lower conversion rates. Develop and refine a sales script to improve communication and close rates.

Poor usage of CRM


Poor usage of CRM

Not leveraging CRM tools effectively leads to missed opportunities and inefficiencies in managing customer relationships. Optimise CRM usage to enhance sales performance.

Ineffective lead generation


Ineffective lead generation

Struggling to generate high-quality leads can stall sales growth. Focus on targeted lead generation strategies to attract the right prospects.

Not working on lifetime value


Not working on lifetime value

Not focusing on increasing average order value (AOV) and customer lifetime value (CLV) limits growth potential in a competitive market. Implement strategies to boost these key metrics.

No clear ecommerce strategy


No clear ecommerce strategy

Trying multiple tactics without a clear, data-driven strategy spreads resources thin and hampers growth. Develop a focused plan to guide your efforts effectively.

No customer insights


No customer insights

Failing to collect and utilise customer feedback prevents continuous improvement of ads, website experience, and product offerings. Establish a feedback loop to stay responsive to customer needs.

Underusing marketing automation


Underusing marketing automation

Underusing automated flow for ecommerce is a missed opportunity as it drive 20% revenue or more.

Poor ecommerce retention


Poor ecommerce retention

Neglecting existing customers means missing out on profitable repeat purchases and lifetime value. Focus on retention strategies to maximise profitability.

High acquisition costs


High acquisition costs

Solely focusing on new customer acquisition without optimising for conversion rates and AOV leads to wasted marketing spend and low ROI.

Ecommerce infrastructure not ready to scale


Ecommerce infrastructure not ready to scale

Growth can outpace infrastructure. Ensure your systems and processes are built to handle increased demand without compromising quality.

Ignored ads


Ignored ads

By not tuning into the specific needs and behaviors of your target audience, your messaging becomes noise, easily ignored.

Scaling issues


Scaling issues

Growth can outpace infrastructure. Ensure your systems and processes are built to handle increased demand without compromising quality.

Losing out to competitors


Losing out to competitors

Disconnecting from customers allows competitors who better address customer desires and pain points to capture your market share.

No clear growth strategy


No clear growth strategy

Chaos reigns without a clear plan & priority. And action is stalled by unclarity about what to do and how to make decisions.

Losing existing clients


Losing existing clients

Driving extra purchases from existing customers is 26% more profitable than new customers.