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Growth Foundation

Benefits of Foundation

The Growth Foundation programme is designed to give you clarity on the KPIs that truly drive growth. Through four focused workshops, you will:

Clarity on Growth KPIs

Understand which key performance indicators (KPIs) truly drive growth. Identify critical metrics, learn how to influence them, and align them with your management team's growth objectives.

Understand exponential growth

Discover how exponential growth works for your business by identifying high-impact growth opportunities and knowing which levers to pull.

Resolve growth blockers

Establish a decision-making rhythm that quickly addresses and resolves issues blocking growth, ensuring smooth and continuous progress.

Forecast growth ROI

Gain the ability to forecast and understand the return on investment of various growth strategies, helping you evaluate different growth scenarios effectively.

What we'll do

4 practical workshops in 1 day

The Growth Foundation is a focused, half-day workshop designed to immerse your team in strategic growth.


Duration - 2 hours

Growth Goals

In this workshop, we'll collaborate with your management team to establish primary growth goals and identify critical metrics. This sets the bar for your strategic planning and helps us align our methodology with your ambitions.

What we'll do together

Understand your management's growth goals and ambition

Identify key metrics for the next 12 months

Outline a clear growth vision and scorecard for your team


Duration - 2 hours

Growth Foundation

Learn how exponential growth works using the Goal Tree methodology. This workshop aligns high-level management goals with operational activities, identifying high-impact growth opportunities for your business model.

What we'll do together

Identify high-impact growth drivers and strategic actions

Quantify new growth initiatives in relation to growth objectives

Provide clarity on the ROI of growth strategies and goals


Duration - 2 hours

Growth Issues

Collaboratively identify and solve growth challenges in this trial weekly rhythm session. We'll prioritise issues, brainstorm solutions, and establish clear action steps to resolve growth blockers quickly.

What we'll do together

Write down and prioritise growth issues using the Goal Tree framework

Facilitate solution brainstorming to develop actionable next steps

Learn to solve issues quickly and unblock growth


Growth Impact Calculator

Forecast the ROI of your growth strategies using our comprehensive calculator. Understand the impact of key metrics on your revenue and evaluate different growth scenarios.

What we'll do together

Gain clarity on the ROI of growth strategies

Identify high-impact growth drivers and strategic actions

Understand what exponential growth looks like for you


Invest in your growth

Decide how you want to work on growth: one level at a time, in a systematic programme approach or even as a year long commitment.

Schedule a call

Want to know more?

Let's have a friendly chat to see if there's a fit between us.
We'll discuss your growth challenges and how the Foundation will help you.

See if there's a fit

Let's do this!

Discover your business's growth potential with our free assessment. Get the a custom report in your email immediately.

Actionable lessons applied to your problems

Courses designed to cater to all levels

Online course + workshop to apply the knowledge

Keep access: easily onboard new team members

Fill out the onboarding form


Trained over 1,500 marketers

More than 1,500 marketers trained and it still impacts a lot of them to this day.

The critical and structured way of working with Ewoud is very valuable for creating the right growth plan for our company. Experience, passion and a 'let's go' mentality is exactly what we needed.

Michelle Wolters
Michelle Wolters

Had a very nice training from Ewoud! Gave lots of tips and tricks to start working in a structured and focused manner. Definitely recommended!

Laura van Steveninck
Laura van Steveninck
Graphic Designer

Great course for those who want to start optimizing their webshop and online marketing but don't know where to begin. During this course, you'll receive tools with which you can immediately get to work!

Noor Jansen
Noor Jansen
Junior Online Marketeer

Ewoud provided me with the right tips to gain more focus in my work, set long- and short-term goals and make more strategic decisions. Thanks to Ewoud, my day-to-day work is clear and fixed, whilst working on goals that help our business grow.

Machteld van der Does
Machteld van der Does
Senior Allround Marketeer

Ewoud has helped me well in identifying the biggest challenges of my business. By listening carefully and asking the right questions, I realized that the biggest 'problems' I thought were hindering growth are not the issue.

Max Savonije
Max Savonije

Had a very inspiring workshop where you really learn to look at the big picture and thus understand which levers you can pull to increase profits.

Coen van Vliet
Coen van Vliet
Web data analyst


Frequently asked questions

Any questions you might have abut the Growth Foundation Phase.

Who in my team should join?
What preparation is required before the Growth Foundation?
Do you have experience with my business model?
How does payment work?
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